Thursday, March 1, 2012

20 Random Facts

1- I jumped off the high dive at age 3, but now am terrified to dive into the water

2- I've never seen Star Wars

3- I didn't eat M&M's until I was almost 23

4-I have broke 16 different bones, dislocated my shoulder, sprained both ankles multiple times, developed cysts on my feet...but I have never had a single stitch.

5- My right hand is about 1/2 inch bigger than my left due to breaking my growth plate in my elbow when I was 6

6-I never had braces

7- My wisdom teeth have yet to grow in

8- I went through 4 majors in college and ultimately ended up doing exactly what everyone said I would...teach

9- When I was little, I would speak with a Spanish accent all the time

10- My ear lobes are not connected to my head

11-I didn't miss a day of school until I was a junior in high school

12- I rarely buy anything full price

13- I LOVE the feeling of a clean house

14- I watch Ellen every day after school

15- I love being 20 minutes early to work

16- I cry at everything...that I get from my mother

17- I sound like a foghorn when I blow my nose...that I get from my father

18- I secretly would LOVE to be on American Idol...too bad I am not any good

19- I read or do some sort of puzzle every night before I go to bed

20- I could survive on doughnuts, cookies, cakes, pastries and Diet Coke.

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