Saturday, March 3, 2012

Relationships with my Parents

My mom is probably the most reliable person on the planet. I don't think there is anything she would not do for her family. She taught me to always do what is right, to be on time, to stand up for what I believe in, to never quit. She taught me to stick to it when times get tough. She always emphasized the importance of going to school and getting my degree. She taught me to be a Utah fan :) She showed me what unconditional love is. But the most important thing she has ever taught me is that Friends will come and go, but Family is Forever.
Boy was she ever right.
My mom was always there for us growing up. She was always volunteering at our schools, going on field trips, helping with homework, driving us to gymnastics meets and baseball games. No matter what we decided to do, she supported us and became our biggest fans. She was the perfect mom, and a mom I want to become one day. Now she is taking on a new role of Grandma...and I think she secretly loves is more :) I can't wait to have my kids spend time at Grandma's house one day!

My dad comes off as rough, but he is the biggest baby on the planet. Along with my mom, he is incredible reliable. I think he has maybe missed one day of work in the last 5 years. He is the hardest worker I have ever seen. He did whatever it took to provide for our family while we were growing up. I remember him working all day, only to go work another job at night. Then on the weekends while we would all play, he would work Saturdays. Oh and so my family could continue to do what made us most happy (attend Utah sporting events) he would work as an usher at the games. I don't think my dad ever sat with us for an entire game until we were grown up. He is the ultimate family man. As I am the only girl, he loves me (probably more than my brothers) As I was growing up, he had to famous lines for me every time I would hang out with friends, go on dates, etc. "No matter how old you get, you will always be my little girl" and "You're the only daughter I have, and the only one I'm going to get" The first one ran through my head as I walked towards him on my wedding day. It truly is what made me so emotional. I am so happy my dad had the chance to walk me down the aisle.

My parents were and are not perfect, but in reality none of us are. But what was perfect is they loved each other, brought us into the world, and raised all of us to be good people. What more could I ask for?

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Don't read this post while listening to the music on your almost brought tears to my eyes. You have a great family Emily. I love them! Great post!