Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ready for an update??

Ok so I figured it was time to get back on this thing and update my life. But really, nothing new has happened. Haha!!! I am two weeks away from my fabulous vacation to Hawaii!!! Woohoo! I have started the tanning process, which I hate. But apparently it will do me good. I have also started the famous "I am going on vacation in 2 weeks and I am not totally happy with how I look in a swim suit" Diet. Long name I know, but you all know what I am talking about. So its fruits and veggies pretty much all day, with one small, healthy meal. The first few days were really not so hard, but today posed a challenge. I woke up hungry, but still stuck to the Special K and toast breakfast. (Pretty much the only carbs of the day). I was hungry all morning and wanted to bad to go to Subway for lunch. But did I? No way! I was strong and went to the teachers lounge and ate my strawberries, yogurt, celery and carrots. And you know what, I felt really good about it! It felt good to know I have self-discipline and I CAN get through the next 14 days!

I know it doesn't seem like a big deal to most of you, but I was really proud of myself and wanted to share with everyone.

Oh ya, and GO UTES! Red and White Game Saturday!!!

1 comment:

Jason and Heidi said...

Well, good job on the diet thing. But do realize that it is healthier to eat more small meals in one day. Also you need to have more protien. Subway could be a good healthy choice, just forego the cheese and mayo ;) But good luck and 2 weeks to go! WOOHOO