Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A day in my life

So today was one of those days when you ask yourself the questions "what is happening to our world"??

Most of you know, I work at Escalante Elementary School in Rose Park. Most of the time, I love my job! It is fantastic and totally rewarding. But some days, like today, I can't wait to get out of there. I work mainly with Special Ed, but I help out with recess duty for an hour a day. Today, I had a little 2nd grader get upset because he lost his recess time for breaking a rule. He decided to say to another 2nd grader that he was going to "kill all the teachers." Well as you all know with everything that has been going on in our world for the past few years, things like that can't be taken lightly. So of course who is the one who has to deal with it, yep me. It is sad that a little 7-year-old boy had to be severely punished for saying threatening words like that. Even though he said he didn't mean it, you can't let it go. You just never know what could happen and it past experiences elsewhere in the world, things like this have been let go and major disasters have happened.
It left me wondering how bad is it really going to get. Why is a little child like this even thinking things like that, let along saying it to another student. Luckily, the boy he said it to was brave enough to tell me so he could learn a lesson that threats of any kind are not acceptable. But also, what could have happened. Is this little boy really that angry that he would do something. Just a few weeks ago in Georgia, some 3rd graders brought weapons to school and had a set-out plan on how to tie their teacher to the chair and literally kill her. It happens, and its sad.
I don't know what to blame. The parents? The media? Peers? I really believe it is a mixture of all. But maybe you all can chime in on what you think.

1 comment:

Jason and Heidi said...

Wow that is crazy. These poor kids. I blame parents 100%. Yes, they can learn things through friends and tv, but at that age, most influential things are through family. That is sad. Sometims I think that I don't want to have kids only to have them grow up in such a corrupt world. But all we gotta do is do what we can to teach them right and hope for the best. I'm sure you are having a positive influence on these kids. Good job and keep it up!