Sunday, January 18, 2009

Being prepared I am going to vent for just a minute. I am more than slightly annoyed and sick of listening about Barak Obama. I am sick of signing on to MSN and seeing articles like "How is Barak going to move his stuff into the white house" or "Obama's last 5 like the President Elect!" Sick Sick Sick!!! He is technically not even President yet and I am already done with him, well actually I was done with him months ago. It is going to be a long 4 years (yes I am hoping beyond everything I can hope on he is only in for 4 years) I won't lie, I am pretty scared of what what this country is going to turn into. I am glad Brian and I have decided to prepare for the worst, because when it comes down to it, you can only look out for you and your family in the end. 

Anyway now to my real reason for writing. The speakers in church today talked about being Spiritually and Temporally prepared for a disaster. How many of those talks have we all heard in the past few years? My testimony is stronger than ever on following the counsel of the prophets and apostles. They have been telling us for years to get your food storage together, prepare 72 hour kits, and my biggest goal, get out of debt. Yes I believe that physical disasters are yet to come in our state and country, but more than that I have been blind sided by the economic disaster that our country is going through. Could you imagine if the country had followed the counsel of the prophets and got out of debt? I believe these problems would not be happening. But our society has become OBSESSED with greed, money and temporal objects. Brian and I have made a sincere effort to have no debt before we get married. I can not tell you how fantastic it feels to have next to ZERO bills!!! My wish for everyone is to strive to do the same thing. It opens up so many possibilities and freedom. It is so worth it to give up those little luxuries we all think we deserve or need. Brian and I have found out that there is so much we can do without spending money. Along with having a bigger number in our savings account, our relationship has become stronger from spending quality time together. It has only been a few weeks, but we have already started to see results that make it easier and easier to keep it up.

So here we are just 2 days away from "Change", but I strongly feel it will not be the change that is being talked about. So as our beloved apostles have told us for years, Get out of debt and Be Prepared! 


Lindsey said...

I think that I might be out of the loop, but are you and Brian engaged?

The Dahl's said...

Nope not yet but there is no use in preparing right?

Nicole said...

Good for you. I am very against debt myself. Me and Andrew only have our house that we are in debt for...and it feels so great. I am also worried for the state that our economy is in, and I just pray that Obama will make some changes for the better. However, you just NEVER know. It is NEVER a bad idea to be prepared. Thanks for the reminder.