Wednesday, January 28, 2009


1.First of all, I have a very specific routine to get ready for bed. I HAVE HAVE HAVE to wash my face and can have no make up on when I go to bed. It drives me crazy and there is no way I can sleep. Plus nothing feels better than to wash everything off to go to sleep. I then floss my teeth (yes every night) and brush my teeth. For all those dentists that say if you brush your teeth you will get no cavities I say "BULL!!!" I brush 3 times a day, floss every night, limit the sugar I eat, and I still get more cavities then anyone I know. In the past year, I have had over 15 cavities! Its ridiculous! But now that I am on Prescription toothpaste, hopefully I am on my way to a cavity free mouth.

2. I am very unorganized and spacey. It shows in almost every aspect of my life. Teaching, school, my room, my car. It's horrible! No matter how much I try, I can never come up with a system that works for me. It might work for a few days, and then before I know it, everything is a mess again. As far as being spacey, I forget everything! It has got so bad that I have multiple resources to try and help me remember things. A planner for school, a little notebook to write down random things (that was a present for Brian as he was annoyed by this trait also) and now a Blackberry. This seems to be doing the trick for the time. I love it!

3. With all of my disorganization, I HAVE to pay my bills on time. I panic if I realize I am getting close to the due date. I almost always pay days, if not weeks in advance just to be sure. It is a trait I picked up from my mother as I don't think she has ever paid a bill late in her life. I feel as though it is a good quality as my credit score is extremely high, enough that I can get approved for almost anything I want.

4. I have a problem keeping my body parts from moving, especially my feet. Most of the time I don't notice I do it, only when I am around Brian because it drives him crazy. I have come to realize it happens when my brain is thinking. The harder I think, the faster my feet move. It is insane. Its almost like my brain waves are directly connected to my feet.

5. I sometimes feel that I have OCD on certain things. 1) I have to know my car is locked. I will push the lock button 3 or 4 times as I walk away from my car just to double check I locked it. Along with that, I check multiple times that I did not lock my keys in the car. Even though I know I push the button to lock it, I freak out that they are inside. Its really weird. 2) When I go anywhere or leave anywhere, I always have to make sure certain things are in my purse. I call them "the necessities" They are my wallet, my phone, my keys, my camera, and chapstick. The first 4 I consider irreplaceable, and the chapstick is just neccessary. There is nothing worse then getting somewhere and needing chapstick and you don't have it. I would almost rather die.

6. I LOVE listening to talk radio, especially sports radio. This is a fairly recent trend, especially the past few months. In the mornings its either Jon and Hans on 1280 The Zone or DJ and PK on 1320 KFAN. I base whether I am late for work or not by where DJ and PK are in their show. It I am not off the freeway by the time they do Birthdays and This Day in Sports History I am going to be late. But I love waking up to the morning sports page. Its like I never have to pick up a newspaper, even though I do later in the day.Then in the afternoons, its Powerhouse on 1320 and Monson and Graham on 1280. Each show has their own style and I love listening to it. At 4 while I am driving to job #2 or school, its David Locke and his obsession with stats. What can I say, I am obsessed!

Ok give it a shot, it kind of reminds you of how weird you can be in your life. I tag Heidi, Tracy Lori and Amy

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I tagged you for a reason. I knew it would be fun to read about all your randomness. You definately can tell you are related to Andrew when you wrote about your obsession with talk radio. I don't get it...but that's what makes you two interesting!!! I also get paranoid about locking my keys in the car. ESPECIALLY, now that I have a baby. I get nervous that I will lock little Kohen Baby in the car every time I shut the door!!! And by the way...thanks for letting me borrow your chapstick at the games, I also hate forgetting mine. My lips feel naked.