Monday, June 6, 2011

Sore feet

Back in August, my feet started hurting...bad. I thought of ALL the possibilities of what it could be...

...sore from wearing flip flops...nope they still hurt in the winter...

...sore from old running shoes...nope they still hurt when I got new shoes...

...stress fracture from running....nope they would hurt when I had not run for days...

While attempting to keep my goal of running a 10k by the end of the year, I decided to keep running and deal with the pain

After my last 5k on Mother's Day weekend, I was putting lotion on my feet when I noticed something alarming...a bump..

So the mind wandering began again...

...bone spur...wart...What could it be?

9 months later, I finally made an appointment with a podiatrist.

Today I got my answer...

...A Ganglion Cyst.

So 2 needle pokes, numb toes, and bruised (sore) feet later, I wait...3 more weeks to see if it disappears...if not, it comes to Option 2 or 3...neither of which I wish to go through.

Cyst, Cyst Go Away. Come again...NEVER!



So glad you went to the doctor! I hope it goes away!!!!!! Also glad that school is almost out so you can put your feet up and relax!

mglazie said...

At least it is a cool named cyst. Ha! Glad to know it isn't anything too serious!