Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I get it from my mother...


Wearing the same shirt or jewelry until its luck wore out (meaning the Utes lost)...making sure the flags were hung on the house and the car the day of a game...keeping the radio on 910 am (now AM 700) while we went into the games...sitting in the same seats every game, and if we didn't, we moved at half time...eating pretzels for 2 hours to keep the Utes winning (that's for you Hailie)...making sure every game was recording, unless they were losing then stopping the recording...Yes, this was how I grew up.

It wore off...During the 2008 Sugar Bowl season, I collected things throughout the season that became lucky. By the time the Sugar Bowl came around, I had a lucky shirt, pom-pom, towel, earrings, even underwear. We all know how that season turned out :)

Included in that season was a bracelet (you know, the Live Strong bracelets, just with Utah Utes on it)

Well that became part of my every day life in 2007 (I think...maybe earlier). I LITERALLY never took it off....only for my Wedding Day.

Just last week, while sitting on the couch, the unthinkable happened...it broke. Ask Brian, I was IN SHOCK for a good 2 minutes. I stared at it, not quite believing what had happened. Brian being the simple man he is simply said "Well, looks like it's time for a new bracelet" Didn't he understand??? This was THE lucky bracelet that had traveled to many Ute events over that past 4+years. The shirts, earrings and underwear came and went...but the bracelet stood strong.

Once the shock wore off, I decided it must be added to my shrine (Brian doesn't let me decorate the house with Ute stuff, so I have a cabinet dedicated to my second True Love...Brian being the first) It is now living out its life with the many other "lucky pieces" I have acquired over the years.

I became a little weary...what's going to happen now? Only bad things of course...

Well Karma had taken my side INSTANTLY. The Jazz got lucky in the lottery and received the #3 pick in the upcoming draft...a friend who had her car stolen just 2 days earlier had it returned to her in perfect condition...my dearest co-worker Catherine who gave up her full time position for me just a year ago, was getting it back to work right along side me...a prayer was answered (I will leave it at that) Only good things happening to me or those I love, therefore making me happy.

Maybe all this superstition stuff I was holding on to was actually preventing other good stuff from happening...it got me thinking...maybe it was time for a mind-shift

As for now, the whole superstition kick has been kicked. I can't promise anything come August (100 days!) but I will definitely try

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