Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Leap of Faith

Thinking back 3 years ago, I was starting back at the U for my final semester of college. I had just a few classes to take and I was so excited to be done. What was funny is I had no idea what I was going to do once December of 2006 came. I knew I would get a job, but I had no idea where to start. I went through the semester having the time of my life! I had just started dating Brian, I was serving on Lambda Delta Sigma's Interchapter Council, and living it up! Reality hit me that winter when January came and I had no school and no job.

Here I sit 3 years later a completely different person! If you would have told me then that in August 2009, you would be starting your second year as a Special Education teacher, I would have laughed in your face! I can not believe how much I have grown and learned in these past few years. Even looking back last year, I was a brand new teacher having NO IDEA what I was doing. Today as I walked around the halls of Sprucewood Elementary, I found myself excited for the new year. I know what to expect (to a point, being a teacher brings new experiences every day) and I feel like I kind of know what I am talking about. It is a great feeling!

I am so thankful for this windy road I have been down over the past 3 years. I have gone from a naive college graduate, to a fill-in aide, to a Literacy coordinator, to a potential Social Work Graduate Student and now a 2nd year Resource teacher. I have complete faith that you have to pick something and do it, and if it is not what you are suppose to be doing, something (or someone) will come and let you know. I can honestly tell you that all of those decisions were never "confirmed" to me that it was what I should be doing at the time. But I can tell you that every one of the choices I have made have lead me exactly to the point I am at right now.

So to all of those people who are in my shoes right now, hang in there! Everything will work out...don't wait around for someone or something to tell you it's right, just take the leap of faith and do it! You never know where it might take you and who knows, maybe 3 years from now you will be writing this exact same post on your blog. Happy Back-to-School time to everyone!!!

1 comment:

Jason and Heidi said...

You're amazing Emily, and I look up to you every day. Thanks for being an inspiration!