July could be one of my favorite months of the year! There is so much to do and celebrate and I find myself loving it more and more each year. This year my summer didn't start until July 2 due to teaching in a year-round school, but I was easily able to get right into the summer mood once school let out. Here is a run down of our fun July celebrations...
Late June--I never wrote a post on the trip to my cabin, and since it was the last weekend of June, I consider it July. We spent the weekend relaxing, playing games, eating, and of course Fishing! Andrew, Kerri, Heidi and Heather went with us and it was so much fun! My cabin is one of my most favorite places in the world. Here are some pictures of the trip...
(These pictures were so funny! Andrew brought a blow-up canoe and the first time they took it out it filled up with water...you see the results above)
July 4th- This was my first free Independence Day in about 5 years so I was excited to get to go to the Murray Parade again with the family. I spent the entire parade helping the little kids around me get candy (mainly teaching them how to be aggressive with the other kids around them), but because of it I did not get many pictures. But this was one of the coolest parts of the parade. These jeeps all climbed up on each other! I loved it!!!
We finished the night up with a BBQ with some friends and then fireworks!
Draper Days- Now 3 years ago if you would have told me I would be saying Draper Days is one of my favorite parts of summer, I would think you were crazy. In fact, the first time Brian and I met I told him he was crazy for not going on a road trip to Vegas to see Rascal Flatts because Draper Days was that weekend. But from dating Brian and being around it now 4 times, I absolutely love it! It is so much fun to hang around the park, listen to bands play, shop at the little stands, BBQ, and finish the night with AMAZING fireworks! I love Draper Days and consider it a highlight of the summer!
Bri and I enjoying the fireworks
July 24th-I am so glad that I live in Utah! We have so many reasons to celebrate our great country and to remember those who came before us. The 24th of July started out with the traditional Days of '47 Parade. I love it!!! My favorite part is seeing the member of the First Presidency leading the parade. I get tears in my eyes every time I see it is not President Hinckley, but I am still so happy to see who it will be. This year it was President Eyring! What an amazing man!
Later that night, Brian and I went on a triple date with Heather and McKay and Bri and Mike to the Bees game, or what was suppose to be a Bees game. The other team got sick and couldn't travel, so there was a homerun derby and a exhibition game instead. Luckily there were fireworks at the end
Overall, summer has been FANTASTIC! With my obsession over College Football, I usually can not wait until Fall. But this year, I am hoping summer lasts extra long! I can't wait for a few more camping trips, BBQ's, and those fantastic summer nights!